Chickens Are This Dog’s Favorite Playmates
Presa Canario is this adorable dog who does cute things as well. He loves to play just like most dogs do, but for Presa Canario, he enjoys playing with chickens.
A lot of people who had seen that video found themselves watching it over and over. It is quite amazing how this dog can play with chickens. It has become viral, and more and more people are getting hooked on it. Well, after all, just watching the dog play with the chickens is quite a funny thing.
Well, the owner of Presa Canario says what the dog does is not surprising because he has been with chicks and chickens since he was a young puppy. He grew up with them around, so he probably thinks that he is one of them. The chicks and the chickens are also used to having him around, so they have an excellent relationship happening between all of them.
Presa Canario’s owner also said that the dog is also quite intelligent. He has had plenty of dogs before, but Presa Canario is undoubtedly one of the smartest ones he has had. The dog knows how to fend for itself. He knows how to handle situations that are quite difficult if other dogs were in that same situation.
This dog surely is quite the charmer. He has not only charmed the chicks and the chickens he lives with. He has also charmed his owner, and he is loved and taken cared of. Aside from that, because of the video which his owner took, Presa Canario has also charmed millions of people who have watched it.
You surely would have a grand time watching the video. Presa Canario is quite a playful dog, and it shows in the video. You’d probably end up sharing the video with your friends and family.
Source: Santoshi1970